The future of Australia's horsemeat exports is in doubt after the Department of Agriculture launched an investigation into a complaint that meat for human consumption fails to meet strict European standards.
The formal complaint was forwarded to the European Commission and came two years after the EU sought assurances from the department that problems in the industry would be rectified.
The complaint specifically relates to horses bought at the Echuca saleyards in northern Victoria, but has broader implications for the industry.
Horses slaughtered for export meat to Europe need to be accompanied by Horse Vendor Declarations (HVDs) that verify a horse's treatment.
HVDs help ensure Australian horsemeat bound for France, Belgium and Switzerland is not contaminated with prohibited substances.
EU guidelines stipulate "the consignor must have in their possession statements confirming the treatment history of the horses for the last six months".
But horses bought at the Echuca horse sales are sold without HVDs and it has been alleged many of those horses are then sent to Australian horse abattoirs.
Echuca auctioneer John Moyle said vendor declarations were not yet required for a horse sale.
"We just get the vendor's details and the horse information when we book them in and keep records of them that way," he said.
Mr Moyle confirmed horses sold at Echuca on Wednesday would be sent to the Samex abattoir at Peterborough, South Australia.
"[An] estimated six to eight horses from Echuca would be bound for Peterborough at this week's sale," he said.
Samex, and Meramist at Caboolture in Queensland, are Australia's only licensed horse abattoirs and export horsemeat to European Union countries.
Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses spokesman Elio Celotto said he would be surprised if Australian horsemeat passed European standards.
"These abattoirs are a dumping ground for ex-racehorses and as most racehorses are routinely injected with drugs it's highly probable the horsemeat exported overseas is contaminated," Mr Celotto said.
The European Commission said it was aware of the allegations and was awaiting the outcome of the Australian investigation before deciding if action is necessary.
EU previously found deficiencies in horse identificationThis is not the first time this issue has reared its head.
A 2012 audit by the European Commission found deficiencies in the controls of horse identification and sought assurances from the Department of Agriculture that the problems would be rectified.
A department spokesperson said Australia's systems had been strengthened and approved by the EU since 2012.
But the European Commission said it was yet to confirm the implementation of the strengthened processes with another audit.
Samex and Meramist said all horses processed at the abattoirs came with Horse Vendor Declarations.
The Australian horsemeat export industry has been valued at up to $10 million a year in the past decade, but according to the Department of Agriculture only 117 tonnes of horsemeat at a value of $830,000 has been exported to the EU in the past 12 months.
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