The outgoing Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes has taken a swipe at the Federal Government for downgrading the role, in an address to the National Press Club this afternoon.
Mr Innes also took aim at the Federal Government's suggested cuts to disability payments for people who can work.
He said there was no plan to help find them employment.
The commissioner will finish his term at the end of the week, and the Federal Government has announced role will be filled on a part-time basis by the current Age Discrimination Commissioner as part of budget savings measures.
Mr Innes said given the significant disadvantages people with a disability face, the Government's decision did not make sense.
"I love this job, it's the best job that I've ever had," he said.
"I still have the passion and the stomach to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and I will continue to do so in other roles.
"But what I don't have is the stomach to advocate for the rights of bigots, so perhaps it's time for me to move on."
Mr Innes said the Government needed a multipronged approach to change employers' attitudes.
"Changes proposed just last weekend will place people with episodic disabilities on a different and probably lower allowance, but there's still no effective jobs plan," he said.
He pointed out that only 2.9 per cent of the workforce employed by the Federal Government had a disability, although people with disabilities make up 15 per cent of Australia's working-aged population.
Mr Innes said the Federal Government needed to learn lessons from major employers who are already achieving higher rates of employment for people with disabilities.
"The Department of Health and Aging are at 10 per cent, so it can be done. Westpac are at 13 per cent, so it can be done," he said.
Innes outlines roadmap for increasing employmentMr Innes outlined a range of measures the Government could use to get more people with a disability off welfare and into work.
"We need to give willing employers some KPIs, some dollars, and 12 months to see if they can meet their planning targets," he said.
"Apart from the benefits that these changes would bring to people with disabilities, if only one third of that disability jobs gap moved off welfare and into work, the NDIS would run at a profit within a decade."
He said the Federal Government needed to listen to employers and meet their needs, also suggesting every politician should be offered an extra staff member if they employ a person with a disability, similar to the system adopted in the United States.
Mr Innes did, however, praise the Federal Government's support of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
"I congratulate the Abbott Government on the continuation of the rollout in full and on time. It's providing people with disability with choice and control," he said.
"It must continue to roll out if community participation is to become a reality."
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