Father Rod Bower is not your average priest. The Anglican Church minister is on a mission to keep religion relevant, and is using his parish notice board in Gosford on the NSW Central Coast as a way to get noticed.
"We have a voice out into the wider community that a lot of other parishes don't have," Fr Bower told 7.30.
And while he has attracted a legion of younger fans on social media, he realises that not everyone agrees with what he is doing.
"Some people are really comfortable and excited about that, other people are very anxious and cautious about it," he said.
His witty and often contentious messages tackle everything, and controversial topics are just more grist for the mill.
So far he has tackled Australia's treatment of asylum seekers, the power of the media, and race relations.
But his most successful message was one about marriage equality.
With the help of social media it has been seen by an estimated 50 million around the world.
"What inspires me and us, as a faith community of course, is the life and teachings of Jesus," Fr Bower said.
"So we stand for what He stood for, what we believe He stood for, which was justice and equality, compassion and a society that looks after the edges, that doesn't just look after the powerful and the wealthy."
'We came because of the signs'And that has attracted many new parishioners.
"We came once, because of the signs," said newcomer Pete.
"It was after the sign on gay marriage, which said 'Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it, Love God' and we stayed."
One young couple is also supportive.
"It's different; I think it's that mix between religion and today's society and how it keeps up with that stuff," the man said.
The woman added: "It's about speaking with issues that are really relevant to us."
But Fr Bower also acknowledges that his approach has put others off, including friends.
"That's really sad because these people are still considered to be friends," he said.
"I've known them for a long time but they felt that they, in good conscience, can't continue in a community that holds certain views.
"They've found homes in other places and I hope we've helped them to find homes at other places."
One sign 'chilled my blood', wife saysRetired Liberal MP and former Gosford mayor, Malcolm Brooks, has mixed feelings about the signs.
"Father Rod's a very good priest. He doesn't go for long sermons - it's short and to the point. I do like his sermons," Mr Brooks told 7.30.
"I don't agree with some of his views over that past eight months.
"One, gay marriage. I support what Jesus said in that marriage is a union between a man and a wife, so we differ on that.
"We differ on his views on refugees at the moment. I believe they are illegal immigrants and we have laws that have got to be obeyed.
"But I believe they should be treated in a human way, [a] humanitarian way."
Fr Bower's wife, Kerry, is actively involved and describes herself as his researcher. But sometimes even she is freaked out by his signs.
"I remember he wanted to put up 'in the ocean no one can hear you scream'. And that chilled my blood," she said.
"And he said 'but that's true. This is real. If that chills our blood, we need to be conscious of the reality of these situations'. So we actually put that up."
Fr Bower says the church hierarchy has been tolerant and never attempted to censored him.
"I think the bishops may not always agree with what I say but they feel very strongly that we have to have these conversations in the wider community, and that everybody ought to be contributing," he said.
"It's not about being right or wrong, it's about evolving as a society into something that's hopefully better than we are now."
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