A survey has revealed long-standing fears and misconceptions about HIV-positive people are still prevalent in Queensland.
One-in-six Queenslanders still thought you could get HIV from sharing a drink, according to a HIV Foundation survey.
The findings also revealed that 20 per cent of respondents mistakenly believed HIV could be spread through kissing.
"I thought I'd picked up a report from 20 or 30 years ago to be perfectly honest," HIV Foundation chief executive Tony Majer said.
He said he commissioned the report to find out how much people with HIV remained stigmatised, and was concerned by the findings.
"If we don't understand something we're more likely to be scared of it and I think that's played out very clearly in relation to knowledge of HIV in Queensland at the moment," he said.
The results come at a time when more Australians are being diagnosed with HIV.
Last year, 1,236 Australians were diagnosed HIV positive - a 16 per cent increase on 2012 figures.
Jesse Hooper, who is living with HIV, said the stigma surrounding HIV affected the fight to prevent the infection spreading.
"I think we need to see a huge change in community attitude before we can see a change in the notifications," he said.
"Stigma and discrimination are the biggest barriers to testing for HIV and in turn is the biggest barrier to prevention of HIV.
"When people know their status and they're on treatment they're far, far less likely to transmit the virus."
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