Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Federal relations on COAG agenda (AAP)

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Prime Minister Tony Abbott will seek the support of premiers and chief ministers for an overhaul of the federation when they meet on Friday.

Mr Abbott will join state and territory leaders in Canberra for the year's first Council of Australian Governments meeting.

On the agenda will be the terms of reference for a new federalism policy that maps out how better co-operation between the different levels of government can improve services and get budgets under control.

The premiers will also look at the findings of the national commission of audit, released on Thursday, which called for the states to take on more responsibilities and be given income tax powers.

The state leaders will be seeking an indication of how much they will receive in infrastructure funding following an asset sales deal struck in March with Treasurer Joe Hockey.

Under the deal, the commonwealth will provide an additional 15 per cent of the value of an agreed asset sale back to the states.

The proceeds of any assets sold - such as electricity networks or ports - would be put into new road, rail and port projects.

It will be the first COAG meeting for new Liberal premiers Mike Baird (NSW) and Will Hodgman (Tasmania).

Jay Weatherill (South Australia) and Katy Gallagher (ACT) will be the only Labor leaders in the room.


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