Runaway contributions to infrastructure by the states and territories is responsible for a $106 billion drop in their finances since 2006, a new report has found.
The Grattan Institute says Australia's state and territory governments have spent more on infrastructure, particularly road and rail, over the past five years than at any time since statistics were first measured in the 1980s.
The borrowing for capital expenditure has sent their collective finances backwards from $37 billion in the black in 2006 to $69 billion in the red last year.
"States and territories are spending three per cent more of their budgets on interest and depreciation for past infrastructure," Grattan Institute chief executive officer John Daley said.
"This really hurts state and territory budgets already under strain from extra health spending."
It follows then that if they want to keep up their infrastructure contributions, they will need to start posting recurrent surpluses, Mr Daley said.
According to the institute's new report, Budget pressures on Australian governments, budgeting for big surpluses won't be easy.
That's because on current trends, Australian government budgets risk deficits of 4.5 per cent of GDP within the next decade, the report finds.
In a bid to improve Australia's finances, the report backs reforms like raising the pension age and asking students to pay more for their university education.
The Abbott government confirmed last week Australians born from 1965 will have to wait until they turn 70 before being eligible for the age pension.
It comes after the release of the National Commission of Audit, which recommended reforms to the age pension.
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