Kamis, 17 April 2014

Federal budget: Advocates push for no cuts to school funding for disabled students (ABC)

Clifton Hill Primary School principal Geoff Warren has pushed for an inclusive school environment that welcomes students with disabilities.ABC Clifton Hill Primary School principal Geoff Warren has pushed for an inclusive school environment that welcomes students with disabilities.

It is a familiar scene as the recess horn sounds at Clifton Hill Primary School in Melbourne - children pour into the corridors, grabbing goodies from enormous backpacks hanging neatly on long rows of hooks.

The controlled chaos plays out like it does all over Australia. But this is no ordinary primary school.

Out of a total enrolment of 607, there are 22 students here with a disability.

Fourteen of those students are "funded" - they are eligible to receive money from Victoria's Department of Education to help them attend school.

Eight other students, according to the school, also have a disability but get no extra funding.

Most of the disabilities are not visible, such as children with intellectual disabilities, or diagnosed behavioural issues.  

Many families of students with a disability worry the situation is going to get worse after next months' federal budget.

The Commonwealth and the states provide funding for students with disabilities to access education.

Under the National Education Reform Agenda, funding policy for students with a disability is now being reviewed and advocates worry a tough budget could make it even harder for the estimated 50 per cent of disabled students who need money to go to school, but are not getting it.

students with disabilities are not just tolerated - they are welcomed.

Students with disabilities not just tolerated but welcomed

At Clifton Hill, for more than two decades Principal Geoff Warren has shaped a school where students with disabilities are not just tolerated - they are welcomed.

"It's the message that we're giving to kids about inclusiveness," he said.

"Developing tolerance and kindness and acceptance and in fact delighting in that diversity."

Over the years, that message seems to have gotten through to the kids in the classrooms.

Many say they feel lucky to have the chance to go to school and make friends with students with disabilities.

Year four student Spencer Gruen says he enjoyed getting to know a student with a disability in his class last year.

"It's quite good to learn to see how they act, and what happens if you did have a disability, and how hard it is for them to be able to work and things like that," he said.

Many of the kids mention one student with a disability in particular - Blake Corby, who suffers from cerebral palsy and attended the school for five years before leaving in 2013.

His mother Michelle Corby has nothing but praise for her son's experience. But she also says she knows just how rare it is.

Clifton Hill is in a well-to-do suburb, with a parent community that overwhelming supports children with a disability. It is the exception, not the rule.

"You have to have really good teaching staff, you have to have a principal that's completely on top of it. You need all of the therapists. You need the school community to embrace you as well. So it's a whole process. It's not an easy thing to do," she said. 

The statistics reveal just how difficult it is for students with a disability to get an education. Of all Australians with a disability aged 15 to 64 years old, just 36 per cent have completed Year 12.

Advocacy groups such as Children with Disability Australia say the low education numbers are reflected in the unemployment rate for people with a disability - nearly half do not have a job.

In Werribee, a suburb on the outskirts of Melbourne, Sharlene Gray worries that may be the fate for her son Jason.

He is 15, and has high functioning autism, also known as Asperger's syndrome.

It affects his learning and social abilities. He also suffers from Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which means he is easily angered.

He has been out of school for nearly a year and spends most days in his room playing games online.

By his own admission, finding a school that meets his needs is not easy.

"I'm a special kid, I'm different. I function differently," he said.

"[I'm] not like other kids that I've known because sometimes I'll snap, and I won't stop for awhile. But that's the way I am."

His mother now faces a difficult choice. Jason left his last school after a confrontation with a staff member, but the nearest special needs school says his IQ is too high to attend.

Victoria's Department of Education has suggested he re-enrol in a mainstream school.

"He just doesn't fit anywhere now," Ms Gray said.

"His IQ's too high, however if he goes to a mainstream school, I don't believe it's going to work. Professionals have said it isn't going to work. But it's like the education department isn't listening to us."

Challenges don't end for some students

Even after finding a place at a well regarded school the challenges do not end for some students with a disability.

Isabelle Curtis is a student at Brighton Secondary College in Melbourne. She also has Asperger's syndrome.

Last year she was denied a place on a school sponsored trip to Africa on the basis that her Asperger's could pose a risk to other students.

"It kind of disappointed me. They just put me in a group and kind of just assumed that's what could have happened," Isabelle said.

Her mother, Kerrie Curtis, was not prepared to take the trip rejection lying down.

She launched an online petition demanding Isabelle be allowed to join the trip and 25,000 people signed before the school relented.

"It validated how strongly I felt and how wrong the decision was," she said.  

"So it was incredibly reassuring."

The campaign to get Isabelle a place on the Africa trip spurred a bitter debate on her sister Emily's Facebook page.

One comment read: "It frustrates me how people want to have their children accepted into society, and think it is OK to pick and chose when to play their child's disability to their advantage."

Emily, who goes to the same school as Isabelle, says for a while during the petition campaign most of her friends froze her out.

She says she is still paying the price at school for sticking up for her sister. 

Even at Clifton Hill, principal Geoff Warren recognises there is often resistance to some of the adjustments required for students with a disability.

"Yes it can be hard, it can be a sharp learning curve," he said.

"But we've got to get back to the fundamental belief that all children can learn and get that expectation into schools and into our thinking." 

_Know more? investigations@abc.net.au_


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