Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Coalition hit by poor Newspoll result (AAP)

Support for the coalition has dived to its lowest level in almost four years, a poll suggests.

A Newspoll conducted for The Australian newspaper over the weekend shows its support dropped five percentage points to 38 per cent - the coalition's lowest since July 2010.

Labor failed to pick up support, however, with its primary vote staying steady on 34 per cent, as voters migrated to the Greens and other minor players.

On a two-party preferred basis, Labor has scored an eight-point turnaround since the last Newspoll a month ago, and now leads the coalition 53 per cent to 47 per cent.

Satisfaction in Prime Minister Tony Abbott's performance is down five points to 35 per cent, while dissatisfaction is up nine points to 56 per cent, the newspaper reports.

The unwelcome news for the coalition comes after the National Commission of Audit recommended severe cuts and a week before Treasurer Joe Hockey hands down his first budget.

A Galaxy poll on Sunday also suggested flagging support for the coalition.

It found two party-preferred support for the coalition had plunged 5.5 percentage points since the September election.

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