The sheep thought to be the world's woolliest has finally felt the shears, but the bid for a record fleece fell short.
After six years on the run, it was well and truly time for Shaun to be shorn.
The woolly wonder was discovered hiding in scrub on a farm in Tasmania's midlands at the weekend and finally faced the barber this morning.
There were fears it could be a fatal fleecing, so the shearer made sure it was not too close a shave.
Shaun took his first haircut surprisingly well and the shearer described him as a true gentleman after the 20-minute job.
The sheep's new owners, Peter and Netty Hazel, had a rug on standby to keep him warm after losing several jumpers' worth of wool.
The fleece-yield was weighed but the Tasmanian animal failed to take the title from the New Zealand record holder, Shrek, whose fleece weighed a whopping 27 kilograms.
Shaun's fleece weighed in at just under at 23.5kg.
Mrs Hazel said she was just pleased Shaun has been relieved of the load.
"He will go to our spoilt paddock and probably do a few guest appearances around the state," she said.
The fleece will also tour the state agricultural show circuit.
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