Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

PM Abbott begins talks with MH17 families (AAP)

View CommentsPM Tony Abbott held talks over downed flight MH17 with Russian president Vladimir Putin overnight.AAP PM Tony Abbott held talks over downed flight MH17 with Russian president Vladimir Putin overnight.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has begun contacting the families of the 37 Australians killed in the MH17 disaster.

Mr Abbott says he spoke with two families on Monday morning.

"My intention is to call all of the families of victims that would like a call from their prime minister," he told reporters in Canberra on Monday.

The prime minister also revealed he has dispatched former defence force chief Angus Houston to be his personal envoy on the ground in Ukraine.

Mr Abbott had his first phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin since the disaster overnight but declined to reveal many details.

"To President Putin's credit, he did say all the right things," the prime minister said.

"The challenge now is to hold the president to his word. That's certainly my intention."

Mr Abbott also spoke with a host of other world leaders, including US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

He believes the mood of world leaders has become "firmer and sterner" than it was on Friday.

The government has sought advice on whether it can designate the disaster an act of terrorism, therefore allowing families of the victims to access federal compensation.

Mr Abbott said 45 Australian officials were now in Kiev or on their way.

International investigators were starting to get more access to the site, but still not enough, he said.

"This is still an absolutely shambolic situation."

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Monday will prosecute Australia's case at the United Nations for a full and independent investigation into the disaster.

Mr Abbott said he couldn't be certain how the resolution would go, only that it should be supported outright without the need for a vote.

"Decency and justice requires that this resolution be carried by acclamation," he said.

"But as we all know these are difficult and daunting times and it is wrong to be too certain about what the future might hold."


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